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California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA): State law that requires any new development project or plan to have environmental review to determine the potential environmental impacts of the project.


Community Plan: A component of the Land Use Element. It focuses on a particular area or community within the City. (e.g. Southeast LA Community Plan.)


Density: The number of residential units permitted per acre of land.


Environmental Impact Report (EIR): Type of environmental review prepared when the City determines that a project may potentially have significant impacts.


FAR: The ratio of the gross floor area of a building to the area of the lot where it is located.


General Plan: A General Plan is the City's guide for its future growth and development and must be updated periodically. The General Plan is required to cover seven topics called elements, such as Land Use, Housing, Transportation and Safety.


General Plan Framework Element: An element of the City's General Plan that states the goals and policies on a number of topics related to growth and services. All General Plan Elements need to be consistent with the Framework.


Health & Wellness Element: The Health & Wellness Element, named Plan for a Healthy Los Angeles, lays the foundation to create healthier communities for all Angelenos. As an Element of the General Plan, it provides high-level policy vision, along with measurable objectives and implementation programs, to elevate health as a priority for the City’s future growth and development.


Height District: Part of the zone string that establishes the height and FAR limitations (e.g. C2-1 = height district 1).


Infill Development: Development of vacant or underutilized land within urban communities that are nearly fully developed.


Infrastructure: The public and quasi-public facilities required in order to serve the development and operational needs of a community, such as roads, water and sewer systems.


Land Use: Land Use designates the general location of the different uses of land, such as residential, industrial, commercial and open space (illustrated by colors on a map). Each land use designation has a list of corresponding zones.


Mixed-Use Development: A project that combines compatible uses within the same structure such as residential uses above ground floor commercial space.


Ordinance: A law or statute enacted by a city government. Zoning is established by ordinance.


Planning Commission: A permanent committee of five or more citizens who are appointed by the City to review matters related to planning and development.


Q Condition: Qualified, or "Q," Conditions are site specific regulations applied through zoning.


Zoning: Zoning determines the uses permitted on a parcel and provides regulations for development including height, bulk and setbacks.

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